One well known fix when there is an accuracy problem with DXF files is to increase the density of nodes to better describe the cruves.
Increase the number of nodes before converting
If you have added a lot of nodes – check whether simplify in Silhouette Studio can be done without distorting the paths. Consider buying designer edition of Silhouette Studio…. Consider if exporting PNG is an option fot your current design. Consider R12 to have your design split into small straight line segments and no random distortions – use absolute coordinates to avoid transformation matrixes.
Try the LWPOLYLINE option instead (it might fix one problem and create some new). You might get lucky on selecting pt or px as base unit instead of mm. Try rotating your design fx by 45 degrees to trigger another rendering (might also get worse). Increase the size of the design in Inkscape and add more nodes (this probably will do the trick). Use DXF R14 with ROBO selected and px as base unit. Use “ Save a copy” instead of “Save as” for more convenience. Then you could increase the node density even more too without having trouble. This will improve precision and solve most problems. Blow up the design so that it extend your Inkscape document. Increase node density on curves fx select all nodes and press add nodes to double the nodes (once is often sufficient and possibly the better if you don’t follow the next step). Convert objects to path if you want them to join a compound path. Convert text to path (if else it will not show up). Use same colour for paths you want to connect (colors define the compound paths in Silhouette Studio. For those of you not interested in the full journey I will start with the summary of what I recommend. You are invited on the journey from Inkscape and SVG to DXF to Silhouette Studio. But for DXF I have had some accuracy issues and would like to dig deeper into this. For overlapping designs or lines the PNG solution is not suitable. To overcome this (without spending money on the designer edition) I usually convert to DXF or in some cases PNG and use the trace function in Silhouette Studio. I have only the basic edition of Silhouette Studio where direct import of the SVG format is not possible.